Monday, August 30, 2010

A quick and unexpected recovery!!!

Vixen was just recovered!!!!!

Antonia was getting sighting calls from people seeing Vixen at Utah dog park, in Fairlington. Laura, the owner of Woofs Dog Training Center (where Vixen spent her time as a foster), and a trainer that Vixen was also very close to responded with a companion dog from Woofs. They got her and are taking her back to the center!

Later:  Laura said she went to the area where Vixen was spotted, called out for her and she went running to Laura. She needs a bath, has some ticks and wants her to stay in a calm, familiar environment before Antonia takes her back to her place again.

Update after Antonia's visit with Vixen, at WoofsVixen seemed to be OK. She was very, very, very, tired. She lost a bit of weight and was limping a bit. Her paws are sore and her pads are a litte raw. I also noticed that her nails that were quite long were worn down by half.  She was lying down resting comfortably. She fell asleep with her head in my hands. Oh, and she was given a massage by a physiotherapist (the fiance of one the Woofs trainer/managers).

They are feeding her small meals every few hours and will watch her excrement, even though worms may not show up for a few weeks. If she is up to it they will put her out on the floor with the other dogs tomorrow. I will visit her a couple of times tomorrow as well.


Anonymous said...

That's fabulous news! I'm tearing down signs as I see them - love a happy ending!

Dogma Bakery said...

We're so happy for you! It's such great news!

little cottage girl said...

I LOVE HAPPY ENDINGS - so glad Vixen has been rescued & is back at the center recouping, while she waits for her mom to take her home

Thank goodness for all those who helped during her 'escape' and crazy adventure <3

Looking forward to hearing all about Vixen's adventure ~ hugs to all who helped her return home safely ~ Lynn xo